Author: Courtmas

  • More Biking Through Pai

    More Biking Through Pai

    Week 91 Day 628 Pai 19.3589° N, 98.4367° E As I mentioned in my first blog on Pai, one of the best things to do is get on a motorbike and explore. As you begin to make your way out of town there are signs for land splits, waterfalls, the pai canyon, and countless shops…

  • Siem Reap, the Town that is more than Angkor Wat

    Siem Reap, the Town that is more than Angkor Wat

    Week 91 Day 628 Pai 19.3589° N, 98.4367° E As we near the end of our SE Asian tour, Tom and I can proudly say we moved with the backpackers.  We may not have taken the backpacker bus, but we managed to hit almost every location Lonely Planet  would tell you to go.  Some didn’t…

  • Chiang Mai Cooking Class

    Chiang Mai Cooking Class

    Week 91 Day 627 Pai 19.3589° N, 98.4367° E I’ve been wanting to a take a cooking class ever since we reached SE Asia. I had signed up to do one in Luang Prabang, but unfortunately food poisoning kept me from attending. 🙁 So after almost 5 months of eating yummy stir frys, curries, and…

  • Vacation from Travel in Pai

    Vacation from Travel in Pai

    Week 91 Day 625 Pai 19.3589° N, 98.4367° E Our time in SE Asia is coming to an end and we chose to end our time in Thailand in the north. We’ve split our time between Chiang Mai and Pai. Chiang Mai was a pretty hip town. We enjoyed their artisan coffee, thai massages on…

  • Tiger Kingdom, Cruel or Cool??

    Tiger Kingdom, Cruel or Cool??

    Week 90 Day 618 Chiang Mai 18.7953° N, 98.9986° E The first things I thought about doing when we decided to come to Thailand were 1.  Pet Baby Tigers 2.  Ride an Elephant So you can imagine my disappointment when I started reading up on these activities and learned there is so much controversy surrounding…