New Years from Serpong

Tom ordering up apps at Course #1 in our Teres Kota night on the town!
Tom ordering up apps at Course #1 in our Teras Kota night on the town!

Week 20

Day 128

Serpong, Indonesia

6°15’5″S 106°37’39″E

Happy New Year from Serpong!

Tom and I had a quiet New Years Eve this year.  I taught the 8 and 10am New Years Eve Classes, while Tom put in the last finishing touches to his first edition of The Creative Entrepreneur.

I know in previous blogs I often mention or elude to the fact that Tom is working, and that is because he spends A LOT of time working.  (Why do you think I spend so much time on this blog?  I’ve got to do something in the hours spent in the coffee shop!)

Trust me, I’m not complaining!  Tommy always makes sure to make to time to do any activity I’ve decided we should do as we travel!  I more just want to take the time to recognize all the time and effort Tom puts into his new career.

He likes to joke that I married an unemployed Vet, but I think that is the furthest from the truth.

One of many jobs he is currently undertaking is, CEO of Insurgent Publishing, but as Insurgent Publishing is a 1 man company (2 if you count me as the treasurer as the LLC states, but trust me my tasks are minimal!) his roles include but are not limited to:

  • Project Manager
  • Content Editor
  • Graphic Designer
  • Head of Marketing
  • Charity Coordinator

and all the other tasks that come along with the coordination of rounding up some of the most talented online Artists, Writers, and other creative entrepreneurs and  putting their combined efforts into 1 cohesive, sexy looking journal with the underlining theme of courage.

Proudly sporting my Bikram Yoga Nashville Hydroflask in Serpong!
Proudly sporting my Bikram Yoga Nashville Hydroflask in Serpong!

Not only is this journal all the above, but Tom has also come up with a brilliant way to make a huge difference by choosing to team up with Kiva.  

A portion of each dollar made from the Journal (you get to choose the amount when you subscribe!) will go to provide a loan to an entrepreneur in a developing country.

Such loans will go to providing funds for such things as a taxi if one’s goal is to start a taxi company or perhaps buy a stove if the entrepreneur is looking to open up a restaurant

The loans are repaid in full and given back to the sponsor so you can see as future issues of the journal are released the support The Creative Entrepreneur is able to provide will quickly increase as any funds previously earned will roll over!   So your one time donation (should you choose to unsubscribe to the journal in the future) will continue to support a new entrepreneur over and over again!

I can’t share the whole journal (because you should subscribe!) but I did want to share Tom’s Editor’s Letter because I am super proud of all the hard work he’s been putting in since we left the states.  (This project has been in the works since we were in Hawaii back in Sept!)

(If the letter is too small to read, click the image and it will get bigger!)

letter to the editor letter to the editor2 letter to the editor3

If you’re at all interested by Tom’s work, I highly recommend you subscribe.

For only $2 a year not only will you get 2 journals (the journal comes out biannually) and support Tom’s work, but you’ll also be combining forces with many others to make a huge difference in helping make a hard working person’s dream to own their business come true.

Not to mention, Tom has promised me 1 hug for every subscriber he gets and I love hugs!

Mom this one's for you!  We're still enjoying mucking around with the new camera!
Mom this one’s for you! We’re still enjoying mucking around with the new camera!

As I mentioned before, despite all of Tom’s hard work he does set aside time to make sure we get to go have fun!

We set a ship deadline for 6pm on New Years Eve and 5 min after Tom pressed send we were headed out to have a night on the town in the Teras Kota Mall!

We thought about driving into Jakarta, but given that it takes over 2 hours to get there on a normal Friday afternoon we decided that to avoid spending our New Years in a cab we would take advantage of the giant stage we’d been watching the mall set up the past few days.

Tom enjoying course 1!
Tom enjoying course 1!

Since we’ve been keeping things cheap and eating the street food across the street from our Kost, we decided to splurge and do a three course meal at the mall with each course taking place a different restaurant.

The plan was to do sashimi and beer at Sushi Mise, salad and cocktails at the Italian Restaurant PEPeNERO, and finally a steak dinner at Gandy Steak Restaurant.

Things didn’t go quite according to plan though.

We didn't need this bread...notice I didn't take an after shot ;)
We didn’t need this bread…notice I didn’t take an after shot 😉

By the time we got to PEPeNERO we were starving and rather than order salad, we order yummy calamari and meatballs!

Not to mention, before our apps arrived the waitress brought a ridiculously over-sized bread basket and we may have indulged a little too much in the bread.

Long story short, we never made it to Gandy because we were stuffed by the end of course 2.

Mmmm Calamari and Meatballs!
Mmmm Calamari and Meatballs!

We were enjoying listening to the live comedy and music from our porch seat at PEPeNERO when the waitress came over to tell us they were closing.

We headed out and joined the dance party for a while before heading home.

Around midnight fire works started going off in the streets all around us.

The largest sober dance party you've ever seen!
The largest sober dance party you’ve ever seen!
Ended 2013 and started 2014 in the Serpong Yoga Room!
Ended 2013 and started 2014 in the Serpong Yoga Room!

Hello 2014!

We started our New Year right sweating out 2013 with some dedicated yogis!

2013 was pretty epic for Courtmas, but we’re both pretty excited to see what 2014 will bring!

One thing is for sure, we’ll be taking it one day at a time and I’ll be sharing it with you!

How did you spend your New Years?  Leave a comment below and share your New Years story with us!

and please think about subscribing to Tom’s Journal!  It’s only $2, it goes to charity, and I think you’ll really enjoy it! 🙂



5 responses to “New Years from Serpong”

  1. Bonne annee! Prospero ano nuevo! to my world travelers!
    As I sit here looking at all the snow outside my window, I continue to enjoy reading about your adventures. Love looking at the photos, following the places you are visiting and hearing your daily activities! Tom–looking good in your yoga poses!
    New Year’s was spent quietly at home, as my car had issues and I didn’t make it to Aunt Marianne’s. I went to bed after talking to Justin.
    Good luck with the journal!
    Aunt T

  2. Kevin and Kathy Howard Avatar
    Kevin and Kathy Howard

    We had a very quiet New Year’s Eve…lots of snow in W. MI and more on the way.

    Love your journal. Happy New Year!

    With love,
    Uncle Kevin and Aunty Kathy

  3. Happy New Year to you two as well! Glad you’re enjoying the journal!

  4. I love all pictures you take for me!!! Thank you for this one. 🙂

    I miss you!!

  5. I miss you too! Super excited to get Dad’s email about forward movement to get you two to Chile! 🙂 Can’t wait to meet up!

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